Industrie 4.0
Connections to other Concepts
- GAIA-X RAM, IDS-RAM (International Data Spaces Reference Architecture Model), IIRA (Industrial Internet Reference Architecture) and IMSA (Intelligent Manufacturing System Architecture) provide architecture models for Industrie 4.0
- The Asset Administration Shell, BIM (Building Information Modeling), ISA-88 Batch control, ISA-95, OMAC PackML (Organization for Machine Automation and Control Packaging Machine Language) and many others describe possible individual parts within such a whole architecture
- Projects such as Manufacturing-X support the idea "Industrie 4.0" both from a research and an industry perspective
- All Organizations listed in this catalogue contribute to Industrie 4.0
- All technologies listed in this catalog are used in the context of Industrie 4.0
Short Description
- The intelligent internetworking of machinery and processes in industry
- Central technology: internet, worldwide connectivity across companies and geographical borders
Facts and Figures
Use Cases
- Continuous acquisition and analysis of production data
- Predictive Maintenance - preventative maintenance tasks based on analyses of device data
- Introduction of smart products and services
- Increase in productivity, e.g. by means of data-backed process optimization
- Monitoring of production tasks and quality
- Usage of augmented reality in production, e.g. for training
- Resource-saving circular economy
Industry Sectors
- All sectors
International Distribution
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