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Connections to other Concepts

Short Description

  • Manufacturing-X is an initiative to implement the Data Space principle in the domain of the manufacturing industry in order to put the entire equipment industry in a position to shape the future and maintain its competitiveness
  • The challenge facing the supplier industry is the gradual shift of production of directly upstream functions to the software industry due to the effects of digitalization and the platform economy. This may result in the potential loss of direct access to the end customer market and thus also of importance.
  • The solution offered by Manufacturing-X is the creation of a Data Space to enable every manufacturer of network-compatible machines and systems to share their own machine data multilaterally, without a central instance for storage
  • As an alternative to the centralized platform economy, the Manufacturing-X Data Space allows its users to determine the rules for accessing and using shared data themselves and remain the sovereign of their company data, while at the same time benefiting from the network effects of data sharing

Pasted image 20231127194318.png Figure 1 Overview of functionality of the Manufacturing-X Data Space (Source: VDMA)

Facts and Figures

  • Announcement by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK) of the funding guideline "Digitization of vehicle manufacturers and suppliers and industrial supply chains" in the funding framework "Future investments vehicle manufacturers and suppliers" gives the starting signal for the "Manufacturing-X" funding programme
  • The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft conducted a preliminary study on the Manufacturing-X data room on behalf of the VDMA and ZVEI
  • Plattform Industrie 4.0 published a white paper on Manufacturing-X as an initiative for the digitalization of supply chains in industry
  • VDMA published a white paper on Manufacturing-X about approaches to building and establishing a German and European data ecosystem for the manufacturing industry


Use Cases

  • Supply chain transparency
  • Production and factory optimization
  • Collaborative product innovation
  • Energy and CO2 management
  • Business models
  • Capabilities

Industry Sectors

International Distribution
