BSI (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik / Federal Office for Information Security)
Connections to other Concepts
Short Description
- The Federal Office for Information Security is a German higher federal authority in the division of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
- Responsible for IT security issues of the German government
- Contact in IT security aspects for the German economy, science, society and citizens
- The BSI's mission statement is: "As the federal cyber security authority, the BSI shapes information security in digitalization through prevention, detection and response for the state, the economy and society."
Facts and Figures
- Founded on 1 January 1991
- Headquarters in Bonn, Germany
- Total budget is 197.16 million euros, as of 2022
- Total employees are 1350, as of 2022
- Germany
Use Cases
- Protection of the federal government's networks, detection and defence against attacks on government networks
- Testing, certification and accreditation of IT products and services
- Warning of malware or security vulnerabilities in IT products and services
- IT security consulting for the federal administration and other target groups
- Information and sensitization of citizens to the topic of IT and Internet security (digital consumer protection)
- Information and sensitization of the business community to the topic of IT and Internet security
- Developing uniform and binding IT security standards
- Development of crypto systems for federal IT
Industry Sector
Cross-sector government organization
International Distribution
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